First they were a dream. Then a mechanical industrial revolution, and soon a hobby for electronics enthusiasts.
Now they are members of our society.
The robots are here, everywhere. On TV shows, in hospitals, in battle fields, in homes or in offices. They have become autonomous, small and, to a certain point, intelligent. And they are part of the biggest (r)evolution that ever happened.
RobotsLife.com has a unique mission: help people understand what's happening with these electronic creatures. The sites provides both content and resources to help you catch up with the "robot era".
On many aspects, this website may look very "basic". It was made like that on purpose.
Simple, simple and simple. These are the three rules driving our design.
RobotsLife.com can be accessed with any generation-4 browsers. No plug-ins are necessary. And the URLs are not half a meter long, but refer to static files. Yes, every single page of this website can be bookmarked. Relaxing, no?
E D I T O R & P U B L I S H E R |
RobotsLife has been created by Cyril Fievet.
Cyril is a French computer engineer and a former Internet
entrepreneur. He works now as a freelance writer.
RobotsLife is up and running since October 22, 2001.
If you want to place ads on it, and benefit reaching a very targeted audience at affordable prices, you're welcome. And, by the way, it's the only way for such websites to live.
For legal questions please contact my lawyer:
Chan-jo Jun
Rüdigerstr. 4
97070 Würzburg.